Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Captain's Log, supplemental.

I got the black lining a few days ago. Then yesterday I got the black pleated fabric and 7" black zipper. All from Hobby Lobby. The black pleated fabric isn't polyester like the pattern calls for but it is the closest thing i can get and it measures out perfectly.


  1. How did this project turn out?? I just spent a while searching google for someone who made these jackets with no luck.. Let me know how you made out!

  2. Any luck? Did you finish it? I want to make one myself, would love to know how yours turned out.

  3. Seriously. I, too, am interested see how this went. Don't leave us hangin' man.

  4. unfortunately this mission seems to have been left open and has been caste adrift to the sands of time.
