Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Captain's Log, supplemental.

I got the black lining a few days ago. Then yesterday I got the black pleated fabric and 7" black zipper. All from Hobby Lobby. The black pleated fabric isn't polyester like the pattern calls for but it is the closest thing i can get and it measures out perfectly.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

To boldly go where I haven't gone before.

I have always liked Captain Picard's alternate uniform and just a couple of weeks ago thought I would try to recreate it. I've thrown together a Shaun from Shaun of the Dead costume before but this one will be the first where I'll be crafting most of the costume myself.

This uniform first appeared in Star Trek: The Next Generation season 5 episode 2 Darmok. In this episode and only in this episode the jacket of the uniform has black pigskin leather shoulders. After this episode the jacket has black ultra suede shoulders. The reason being that Patrick Stewart didn't like the smell of the leather. I will be using suede to make the jacket's shoulders. The uniform is seen in many episodes from seasons 5-7. Stewart wanted to give Picard an alternate uniform, like Kirk's wrap in Star Trek, to stand out from the rest of the crew.

Screen captures from TrekCore.com.

I have already got the pattern, combadge, and pips from Roddenberry.com. Then today I got the suede for the jacket from Wal-Mart. Next I have to find the dark grey polyester, black pleated polyester, zipper, thread and lining. Post more later.
